Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

InftrHCl·ions for aright.comforting Sett. 1. --------''-- --·--· --- yeares were gone, aft~tr · the Creation, before there Poteft vesu facere was ·antn<i:wes of Thee at all. And thou mtghtdl: ne- !"ulta?q_u.e 1~on (aclt: ver haVe beene; God bath no need of Thee: Hee · zm1!J~mmftm~umuttr~ crave Thee a being onely out of His own meere boun- !lmma qu.e unquamfa · 5 · ( ) c · '11' rL 11 b h' h tla fint,alia & atia:Id tl~. 11 Inm11te mt tons llla , ne~er ee, .w l.C quenonmodofectmdJem mtghthavebeene, as well ~s. Thou Gods O\Ulll.poten:. individuao rcmmratio- de is equally able and achve to have produced them ·wes,(ed etiam(ccun.du!n as thee : And no parts of that vaft: Abyffe of No- {pw{ictts,& _gen~r~ctr.& • thiniT can poffibly make any refiil:ance to Almighti - atque at/eo jimpl~euer ; ·?' · . ra doeet Tho .hic Art.~: nd.Ie._ . · P.Yobaturqrtiauitraqu.e 1\nd befides bemg fo, that Thou mull: needs have eun1~e. facia,(imt alia a being, there is not any Ceeature.. ·that ever iffi1ed out poffibzlta fine u/Jo fine, of the hands of God, but thou mightdl: have beene ~t~~~~ef)i~~i,~~~;·. ~hat, either .for the kinde, or forth~ particular. All puna.3 • )!otentia Dei lS One to 'f:Iltn, to make an A ngell.lor an Ant : io creeftinfini(a tribU-5 modu ate the bnghtefl: Cherub, or the moll: contemptible J • . N_atur~ {ua, & per Hie : For in.every, Crea~ion,no leffe than Om~ipoiency J,;qr1:a :flzp{amet:!Jen- mu!.l: ne~ds be .t}le Effident, and no more than Nothing t1a d1.vma. 2.. Re[petlH . __ ~t.- rU:.' n N h · · · 1 · atlionu .qrtaagj.t aut a ;.s eY~[};er-t, ow w at a mrracu otlS merc1e gert poteft. mim was this, that paffing:by fltch an ( o) unnumbred vaaet~o nun~uatlJ efl i~a .riety of incomparably inferiourFeatures. He lhould 'CJalida,&_ mten[a,qrnn make Thee an everlail:ing Soule like an Angell of po!Jit fim valtdtor & d bl f d · . 1· • f · inten(ior.N am DeU-5 e¥- Go ,eapa eo grace, an J,.mmorta 1ty , o mcorpotra fe nu?Xfud. tam po ration i~to Chri!.l:, and fruition of Iehova Himielfe unter agit, quin fi ve!it bleffi:d for ever ? Nay, and yet further, though thou potentius optl;~ripof!it. waft to have the being of a reafonable creature ; yet ~· Rcfi~'Cl• 0 :Jef1orum there was not an houre froin the fir!.l: moment of time mqu~te,:tend! tur .&a- ' · • h gerepotefi,qutt in{mit4 unto the worlds end, but <!od_ tmgh~ ave allotted fit nt: (cu quod idem e~, that to Thee for thy commmg mto th1s world. And re(peCirllljfeflv,u.,, qtm therefore Thy time might have beene, witpin the . pot~f1 producer. · Nam compaffe of all thofe foure thoufand yeares, or thereDerts extra[e unquam b fi h C · ' ll h · f t. 11 nmutta 11 g,it, & o;,t- a o~ts,_ rom t e reauon unu_ t e comm111g o ratur, qum,;offitplura Chrift 1n the Aeib; ·when as all wtthoutthe Pale, and oparari, fi ve!it. AI fr. · Lib. 1. Theol Nat. Cap. T 3· (e) Miferef,O in quantum debtremdiligere Deum meum:. qui mt fcc_u,cnm non.eram ?-'l'{o.nwim eram:. !.'1" de nibill'l fecit me: lztllt arborem, ~ton avms, neG ni1quod de ammalbtu·br utu. (id !,o,ninem me voluit effi; dedit mihi vivere,fgntire, & tlifter• nue. Aug. hb De Contriuonecordis. · Partition