• Part I. Cap.6. .Ajfti!ied Confciet~ces. Partition-wall, were without the Oracles and Ordinances of God, and all ordinary meanes of falvation ~ Or frnce the Gofpell reveakd, under the reigne of Anti-Chrift ; And then a thoufand to One, thou hadfr beene choakt, and for ever peritht in the -damned min:s of his Divellilh Dod:rines. What at1 high hoQ nour was this, to have thy birth aHd abode here upon earth appointed from all eternity in the very befi: and bleffeddefi: time ; upon the fairefi: Day of _peace, and which is infinitely more, in themoft glonous Light ef Grace , that ever fnonc from Heaven upon the Children of men ? And fo of the place ; Be it fo, that Thou mutt needs be in this golden Age olthe Gofpell, and gracious :Pay; yet thy lot of living in the world at .this time a1ight have lighted (for any part ofthe earth, ·might have received Thee., where Thou couldeft have 37 fet but thy two fe~t) amongft Turkes,Pagans,Infidels, · a whole worldto_(b) Chr.i{lendome : Or if thine ap- (b) ~idqnodn~(Mt pearing upon ea~th, muil: neceffarily be~ within the temporib~, vix_{tz_ta confines of Chnftendome • yet Thou mtghteil: have Par~ orbu habltabzlu ft · h p · rt.. ' f · · 1 r.. hir- Cbriflo nMJJm dederjt ) prung up m t e optm parts o 1t; or 111 t 1e IC uua- Sutfra col.leg p · . ll r.. a· 1 f h Ch h · · . • ag. ~3· tica , or penecute P aces o t e true urc 111 It. It Dhi:le the world imo was a very fingular favour; That thou fhouldeil: bee fixe parts, and five are borne, and bred, and brought up in this little neglect- notfo muchasChrifii. cd Nooke of the world yet very illuflrious by the pre- an. Bttrton of Me/anfence ofChriil: in amighty Miniflry ;where thou hall, cho!y, par,. 7 17 • or mightefl have enjoyed in many Parts thereof the gloriom GofPell ?[our ble[fed (jod, and all faving Truth with much purtty and power. Now put-all thefe together, and tell me in cold bloud, and-after afenftble .and ferious ponderation thereupon, Doefi: thou think,. · . that all this adoe was about Thee, all this honour.done (t)Neipropttruere.tunto Thee, and wherrall is done, Thou art to doe no- ti f_!Jm_m, Ht(deranus. , thing, but feeke Thy felfe, ferve Thine owne turne 111'h bzberemm, vefteth and live fenfually ? Camefi: Thou out of N othinrr int~ :;z;:m'Dur,fe&d u!_P~aceh . ld d • n. h' b ( ) 6 • eo, wwupo- t IS wor to oe Jlln: not· .mg, ·ut ~ - eate and drmk, tiremur futuru.·Chryr. ~d fleepe ; ·to game~ goe m the fa!luon; and play the 101 c. 6. Mat. Horn. 13. · · C 3 go€>d . :~.,-. ··"'" . -