lart.t. Cap.7. eAjfii[led Confciences. 39 ' CRAP. VII. / A fecoiu/ and thirvl confideration for the ~tclmonitum of tbofe who are carelej[e. · 2 , . Hat, upon the little-ynch of time in Th h h - · h · 1· c d d h 1 l d 2.. att ey oug t to t IS li'C, epen ~ t ~ engt 1 an imploy their time weJ breadth ofal etermty In the world becau!e . ~ to come. As we behave UJ; felves If a man would fii: here~ wee 1ball fare everlafiing1 y downe, and call His hereafter. And therfore how ouo-bt ~houghts ~ogether » 1 h . d . h ;:~ bT out for one halfc we top y t ts moment, a~ pnze ~ at e~ermty . o hottre; and conft.ier decline all entanglement m thofe mord1nate affdh- this terioufly: 1 have 9ns to the pofi'effions, and pleafures of the Prefent, but ~ very little. time which hinder a fruitfull improvement of it, to the bell to lur: h re; It Is and r-. l · fi · · 11 d f fc 1 other place where I a vantage ror ~ 1e pmtua goo o our ot: es ; Let us mu!l live ;horow aU bee moved w1th fuch reafon~ as thefe, wh~ch may ~ee et~rnitie: as I fpend collected.from the words of a worthy Wnter, which this fl1ortrime,fo iliall runne tlm~"'With very little variation : * 1. If we could it be with me forever: (l~+"ord our {elves but fo much leafure as to t:onjider That I fay,if this were th.:>• hJJ' h·. h h ,fl. • h d h 1 • • rowly confidcred I e.e w tc hat mop m t .eworl , atn, tn rejpect of the wonder that ~ world, nothing in it: t~nd that he which hath the longr:ft thing lhould take ~~ time lent him w live in it, hatb yet no proportion at all the intentions, and therein, [etting it either 6y that which u paft, when wee thoughts of a Mans were not; or 6y that time in which wee foal! abide fo-r heakrc ~ blu~ ~n 1e1Y.r.? if ,_ h · . . h ma e 1U·re us 1a var10• ever: I foJ., t ~ot , to w1-t, 'O~r proport~an m t eworld, The li rrle point of and our ttmi m the world differ not mttch from that time, wee live in this which_ u not~ing ; it u not out· of an_y excelle.ncy of under- world, is ~oth~ng, to j landm,t, {althtHee, but out of depth of folly, fay-I, ~!le dura :1C:'?~~~f~rc b fl h . h h. hh h ( . ,a: rr) 1., or to rhe;~rmty t ~t we o muc pn<::,e t eone, w ,;,c at . _tn e.JJ n~ no following !~·It· is lmng: and fo much neglect the other, whtch hath no en- t erefore mofHir, and ding : coveting the mortall thjngs of the world, M if our be!l . wifed01~e to Soules were therein immortal!, ~tnd neoleflinrr thofe fpcnd It,wcre ~t tenne 1 • h • h • 11 if r;<':>l :7; h umes longer m thofe tl?tnf? w g are 1mmort att J as t our J e ves ·a 1 ter t e cvorfcs , 'which may m:~ke rhe ever!afi n<> time to corn~, endle!IC: and unutterab~v comfortable unto us. "' r. The !ongeLl Jiver• ii bu~ . efibort conunuaoce. · ·c 4 wor:la