Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part. 1 • Cap. 7. ~od fi htei etiam h~c poffJJmmdicc,:e, ~bi qua~'LIU ~revu, t~mt~ qu_ia p;.tt[ense#,_ 'Liitaift 4 magni penditur, quid mfuturo d•c1urt[um~, rtbt maJorz <ttatu flzent;a tr;znfa tlum I»JJne prq n·ihilo cU? AJg. Epifr. 14:1.· ' To ponder alfo profitably upon eterni'ty, that we mtJty 3: The time nfier this· af'Ply our hearts unto wifedome, and fo improve t'~is ~fe, !hall never hav-e fhort moment upon earth, that it may goe well wtth ncmd. us _for ever ; .let ~s take notke of, ~nd fenfibly to heart~- thts one qmcknmg paffuge, confidently averred by a great Writer. (a) If God, faith Hee, [houldJPeafet thfM· (•)SiDcm diceret daflli. to a damned {oPtle; Let the whole world !Jee filled with natu:. Jmp!eatur terra · [and from the earth to the Empyrean heaven and then·arena minuti.ffima~ ita · h .r: J 1. ' d t' h uttotruorbishifceartnte' let an ~ngell l:ome evtry t ou1 anutw Jeare, an J etc granu' ·. .. 'P' , ' · fr h · h fl d . •15 ,.e ,eatur , a Dnery one grame om t at meg ty an 9' mountatne ; terra u{q; ad(C£!ii Emwhen that immeafurflblc Heape u fo JPen~, and fo many pyw~m; & mille{ima· thoufandyear:es expired~ I wl!lcfcliver Thee out of Hell, quoquo anno Angelu-s and thofe extreameft .horrours; that moft mi[erable for- ;enrat,, demafqlte ez h · 1. n J·· h h 1: h ~oc al'en.c cumulo unuw lorne wretG' -, notw!tYDf'oitn . mg, t at . ee ~ere to ry~ t o- granulum,_mmque poft row. that unconceweabfe length_ of ume tn thofe tntole- tot m10enarios lfn;uil'um ra6le He/lijh torments, yet upon fuch a promife would quot fun! g~auulrz, ea• infinitelr rejoyce, and deeme himfolfe not to Gee damned; axhaf((em, leberabovos· But altu t n•hen all thofeye.ares aregone, there are thou- t~~ehetn~;Oqu!m~~ulfl J h .r: J _ _ 1 •· J d . h n uamna.,., uam• anus upon t , ou1 anus mr,e trn;-~ e'!uure , ew~ f or?w all Tlatosft non lffiimartnt:. eterntty and beyoncl. How heavte and ~ornble lS the· nunc ~ut em, pofl omnes. waight ofeverlafl:in.gnt:lfe in that burning Lake, and hos_ TYil!Jen~rias reflant: ' thofe tormenting flames, when a damned man would ~lJ·~ al'J'"!illenat·ij in h . k I . 1: re .. H ~ t.~ • . f. h enfimtHf!J. m tttcrn~tm· t ~n. e mme 1e .m · eaven m}JI\;meane time, 1 .~ ee & uftra. Hie eft pond/16 mtght_hav~but of commtDS out of them)atter fo grav_~ teternitatit,quoti! many tnfirutemllhons of yeares m them? oppr~mit damnatos . Cs- ;. That it wouldnot proflt a man;though he .fouuldgain g;: a~ 0. P.t~c~to~·, . ha~ the whole world, if he loofe lbU. owne foule and' that-a man pondm t~bJ zmmmere. . h. • h fl. 1, • 'l h ·; fl. 'b~ •. niji re[ipz(c&.- 0ui• t/an gt-z;e 1'Jot mg tn exc ange J~or YJ14 St~n e: ~ , rt;_• llll-' ftt, quod tam raro, ?im· felfe fud fo,. Suppo. fe thy ~d.~ crowned. Wlth t.~ r.,on- modi£~, ,ram obiter, de · fiuence of al:l worldly fellcltles, to·have:P.~~c~~ifed a· ~ cog;temm? . . Monopohe of all pleafures, honoars, and nchd upon · 3 •• That rhey. g~m' the whole earth1 to· bee attended with all' thepompe nhot~mr byl cxc2angJ~ ; · d' 11: . · . • t en 10U es ~or h•~ an. u:ate,. thy ·heart could dd1re~ Yet what w~re· whole world. thts momentany golden dteame unto.ayeaU· glorious ' etcr..