Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

Part 1. Cap.9. AjfljCled Confi;iencu. reed. confider that ''"k! ftnnes, will have lik! ends: Thai god u tD day and yefterdaJ, andtl9e fame for ever : That the pride and crueltie ; . oppreJ!ion and-luxury of thefe times have nogreattr prtv,/edge, than thofo of the fore mer: But when for a while~ you ~~eve domin'ecred fa-·re ~tnd neare, Ha'd whatyouwon!B, and'd(me'Whatyoulift, dijpeopleJ Parijbes and plaines for your 0-fr:hards and waik!s: pu!L'd downe many houfts, to Jet one up : from 6etweQ'!e whofe /Jattlem_entl, and turrets at the top, yet~ can fee no end ofyour meadowes, yqifr jield,s, ,and jour· ltmds : 'the mea-Juring whereof, aithe·Poei fpe'ak!s~ would ~eary _the very wing:s of the Kite: when'yoftr Clientary traine bath beene too long for the ftreet, and your lutr:e rejjuCl h~[h jboDk£ the hat from the head, and bent th~ !0e.e; a_ {t~!e off: w.hen,1ou hav! clapt whole UUanoflrs onyour~ackp' or turn (;I them downe your thrOitts: when }qu have fcoflred the plaines with JOur horfes, the fields· mzd woodt ~ith your h~imcb: : llnl the heaven with your hawk£s: when with Pheafants tongues )DU have furnifot_ whole feafts : and with the ~eene of · e/Egypt dt:u.n.~ i drj[olved pear it;, even fifty · th~ufand ~oundi at, a .draught, and then layed your head ~n . Dab/an lappe: Whbri, if it were po/Jible,) ou have jpmt your whole livn, in all that r(Jyall pompe, and pkafure, which that moff. magnificent King · and ..CJ.!!ecne .did, Hefter t. for an hundred and fourefc(Jre dayes : In a wor.d, · whet~ yott wallowed in all delights, 4~d j/ood in plea[ares up to the chinne : Then even then, thejit if digged, 'anddeath, of 'Whom )6U dreame not, ftands at the doore. Where are you now? Or what u to bee done? Come do-wne, foith D~ath,from pur pleafant Projperts: Alight from your Jades: Hood _ro11-r KiteJ· : Coup/, up your Curres: bid adew to pleaf~tre: out ofyour beds of luft : Come nak:;d forth, and downe with me'e to the .Chambers of death: 0a~ your bed! in the duft: ttndlay downc y(Jur cold Car~a{[e1 among the ftones of the pit at the roo.ts of the . <J\.ock;£s. eAnd pu great nnddelicate Dames, who fire b2 fo ., ' . ,.: lt:.~\2.:.~~··. .. ~ \ .