Bolton - HP BJ1278 .C66 B6 1640

-.AJftiBed C onfcieHcu. - ·no trtterouch in Confciente it all, . or f~~ling remo~fe for their forme r extre:~mely fin fu l ' life · which is-occafimJed fometimes, by·the umlcilfulnelfe of fome fpiritUafl Phyfitions~­ bo~t them,who are ready to dawbe and draw askin'ohly ovei their unfea rched lininll fores :now at (heir death; as they were ro play the-Men p!ea(ers~ and .fow pi/lower under their . Ji.lbo.wes in tht:·irltfe time; feJlowes a~ excellent in palliate <;ure;;. as utter! y unacC]uain. ted :with the myfiery of comforting affliCted Confcienc~s :mghr~ ·:m.J fpeaking feafonnbly .to fuch as lie upon thdr lafl bed~ Heare Man~r Mt~rburu:s cenrw_eof~u~h Mountebank~~ ''this intolerable dejecl,faith he,(meaning of expmmema/1 ~now! edge m Mmifters) never jhel:P• ethit felfe more jhamefu!ly,orwitb greater hurt,then when MeR have needof {pi rituaO help, ~t -t he boure of death,or in time sfgrcat aJlliliion :for at {itch times thefefooiqh Shepbeards11when -they W9nt s~iH to help their poorc fh_ccp out of the ditch,are driven to play the miftrable comfor· iers ,•nd t~ ta~l {omeot~er indireti.c~urfe . ; C;u many ufe· t~ doeiu (lie~ cafes) to cut tbe Jheepes "throat in· t;me,to make h1m Ma?ls,leafi tt jhDuldbe fazd, Hedtcd.m a·dttcb. 2., Secondly, . •becaufe~Some One of them perhaps, I know notamongft how many thoufands.may I.Je like ·the Thicfe uponthc Crolfe.- 3. Thirdly, bc:caufe, Tho meereci¥i~l men utterly eflranged from the lire of ~9dlinelfe all thei~ Wq long,for tbe moft p_arr ,may make a ca!me? quiet2 and peaceable end m the eye and clhma;e of thc-worl?, whiCh was ne-ver able to dtflmgudh a fecurc !Jlockilhoelfefi-om an-holy fecurity_;Ol:>fervatton whereofhardencth aworld ofpeople: in their unfavingSme: Heare Greenhams .doom:; of ~ dearh : They dye, fayth He_,fi~t /J!oc~es : Andyet the ignorant people' will fiiU c.ommmd f11.chfiareful/ deaths ,(aying, be d~par• · :tcd a&.metketya& a Lamb_e,·hcwent :zway aia birClin afhe_ll, whm they WJig_ht m "!'Pet/ [ay, (but for the~rfeathcrbed& pzUtJu;)be dzed l•kea beaft,and perifhed like An Oxe m adetth. I f01y, tho .this fort ofMen, for the m_ofi par ~:d , e fo; yea ! h~ve knowne ~me fuch upon the very fidl: thought, they lhould.certamely dte,ro havefallen mto defperatton, ·and couldnever be re• covered. ·And alt!1oug~ m_:~nyfotma_ll Prm:elfors,m2ygoe ~o ~ell with ma~y good fpecches and Lord, Lord, m·thetrbvs ;as :lPpear.e~in the f oolijh P'&rg,mt, and r~ofe m thefevendt of" Matthew, yeti h01ve knowneof fomeof them, whoha~e died very'fearcfully ·indced, and · f'.lll of truly defperare horrour. ) ' , ~us S?rvant~ of Sata.~., ·anCl Slaves of lufr, depart -this ltfe either _It_ke !'laba! , o:r lud.u ~ th? more by many. thoufands ·dte 'hke hard-hearted.fots ~tn fecurit_y, then in defP_P.ire 'of 'C,{:>t;leience• . If it bee fo with thee then, t'hat thine he~rt, when thou fhalt have received, the · fentence o~ death againfi: thy felfe, die within thee as Nabals: ( Ulnd moft commonly, faith a worthy Divine Confcience in many, u focure at the time of death : God in his luftice fo ptaguing an 1ajfe£fed fecur.ity in life , '·· ~th an infliEled fecurity . at death.) I fay tben, tho-u _ Wllt lucome-r:u: aftone : moft prodigioufl y blocki!b ; a;S . . . ~ tho there were no immortality of the Soule lilll offe_: -~· of eternall bliffe; noTtibunail in 'heaven, n~ aclou·~t ., : toy-b_ee ·ma~e after .this life., no in hell Le< cv~r .. Whtch w1ll make the never-dying 6 c: ,JL~·:· ::c~;.:;; D3