t+++++++++++++++++++++++++t++ +~·~~~~·~~ .. ~· : · ~$?$®®®@){~$$®'®: ++t+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TO TfiE HOat~O\lRABLE . An.dVV orthy l(nigllt, . S.. 1S..!Jhert :r,'-arre, Gentleman · of the Kings Bed-Chamber, &c. all Holy wifedomc: ro w~lke in the way to eternllll Blij[e. SIR, wg.e::~Our extraot·dinary approbation,· .. and · acceptance ofmy-Dfteetions ·: for rvalking -with God~ · falling in- _ . to your hands , by Gods good : =. ~§;~ providence., I know not how; ac... . <:ompz nied with fuch noblecircumfiances>'and . exprellions of much undeferved refpettto the · Amhor; but efpecially of your affeCtionate : love to the * glariOU1 Gojfell of the bleffid :c 0 D iC Tim.-!.,I.r; •. (farre clearer to every· gracious heart, which tru.. · ~y y cfies the rr,yfierie, and mercies of Chrift · m 1r, then it's deareHbkmd, or wbatfoever is . moH: dC'fireable under the Sunne, or adri:lirecf: moft amongfl: the Sonfles of men,) bath en... · ~ , 4·, cou~g~dj