Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

90 'Ihe Saints fore he regards not finne in his heart)but hath a regard ~ to a11 Gods Commandements. . Now fith Sathan,that old Serpent,knowe§ full vvelJ, that it will never ferve t~e turne for a man to part but with part of his finnes ; that his cafe is fearefull enough,whatfoever good,or good deeds .feeme to be in him, ifhe yeeld not to the worke of the Holy-Ghof.l:, for the leaving but of any one knowne finne,which fighteth againf.l: the peace of his Confcience; he knowes, that he bath haun~ and hold enough in a mani -Confcience, and af– feCtions ; that hce bath fufficient inrerefr and claime to his damnation,if he can but keepe his fweet finne in hcart,and alive in him. And there.., fore,when any .by the Minifterie of the Word is moved to fettle and addrelle himfelfe to a refor– mation of his wayes, and to redreffe his former wicked life; he puts in,might and maine,to pre– ferve inhis vigour,and foveraigntie,one fecret de– Iightfull finneJ or other, at leaft, in the heart and affection of him, that goes about to reforme him– felfe : He fin_gles out one corruption, or other, to which bee f.indes a man mo!l: additted; and this heconceales,and fenceth-with all the poliCie that he hath, that if by any rnea~aes it may efcape un– repented of,unmortined,and unmedled with. Mar~~.17. Thus he dealt with Herod: Herod, by tbe preaching of John,reformed himfelfe inmany things; but Sathan made fure to keepe him his owne, by that one finne of Inceft. Naaman the Syrian, no doubt,beleeved, and followed the Prophet inma. :.1\jng. f.•s. ny things ;but he defiredonely,that theLordw8uld be