Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

110 . 1 'I ~e Saintsfor~ .upcm:E~rth ·. : if bee cannot hring hi'm·into dif– . grace and disfavounvithGod, he will be fure ta ray fe him hatred enough, malice, and difcounte~ ' nance amongfi men: Hew i11 doe his worft,to fill • . and loade himwith all outward difcomfott~ and ; Comfortable conkdcrations a~ainn -af. 6lclions. I From Gods Decree, the : , 1example of the Saints,and the Sonne of Go.d himf<:lfe. · An,,,...u. difcou-ragements ; as po~ertie, ficknefie,flanders, · fcoffings, raylings, reproaches, CQnternpts., and a: thoufand other perfecu rions. But in fuch cafes as thefc,let every child ofGod : cornfort,rcfrelb,and holdhimfe~fe in heart,cheare, . and courage,by fuch confiderations as thefe. ' Firfl:, it is~ Decree ofHeaven, refolved upon . and ratified by the Lord our God, confirmed by tl1eexperienceofall the Patriarkes and Prophets, . of the ApofUes and profe!fors of Chrift, o~all the Saints and fervants, nay, and of the Sonne of God himfelfc.; that, through many tribult~tionJ ,ee muff enter into the K.ingdome of HeAven. So often therefore as wee {hall fee any miferics or afHiel:i– ons comming towards us, for otir profeffion of ftnceritie,and righteoufneffe fake; let us acknow– .' ledge them tO. be as fo many rnoft certaine and in- . fallible markes, that we are in the right way .to ·.. Heaveri : through which, ifwe butwalke a little further with patience, we tnall defcry a Crowne qf Glory, which is our owne forever; of wbkh, aU the afHietions and preffures of a thoufand Worlds are riot neere worthy: · · ~ ' . Secondly, though by this meanes,by thefeout- , ~~::~~J:~r ward croffihes and afH 11id:fiho~sb,.Sa_rha~dihfcharg~th • . affiichons, for upon us t everyga o lS ttternen~,t e.poy1C?n ·our good. ofhis malice, and_arrowes of his fpighe;. yet, by the