J 146 !--:-- . ___ 'l_h_e_S_az_·n_ts_. fi_u_re_ ·· ___ A.'S Seed in the high way ground._ \ from the King of Heaven: though they heare it wit.h thcir..c>u.twfclrd cares ,. yet· it hardens their bearcs,mal<es them inwardlymore peevifu,grum– bhng,H:tlbborne, rebellious,and refraela·rie to the power thereof, and preparesand ripens them for more beavtevengeance. It isofit felfe theWord ofGrace, ~alvarion, and Life; a hletfed prefer– vative againfi Sinne andDeath, Damnation and Hell ·: but byaccident, if men doe not reverence it, tremble at it';,. and fi.1bmit themfelves to the power of it,it,i~ a firo~1g Hammer,and !ton Scep– ter, to harden their hearts more and more, lik~ an Anvilc, or Adamant ; and at length, to breakc rhem in pieces like a Potters Vetfell. Though in it felfc, it be afaving and wholefon1c M'fdicine; yet men of a rebellious and Il:ubborne humour· and temper, turne it into Poyfon. \ z To fome~this holy Word,by r~afon of unpreparedneffe, ts but as the water,·fptlt upon the . ground, and the breath of the Miniftcr·fcattered in the 'Aire: If you call them to .an account, af..: ter Sermon, how they have profited; they are as wordldfe>and wirldfe,and indeed as gracelelfe in repetition,as if theyhad beene deafe)a!leepe,in a trance,or ftat.kedead all thewhile.. · · ; 3 Others,by their rafh and prophane ru·iliihg Men a're m:~e into the Houfe of-God without all premeditabat onely for- .: . ' mall by it:. twn, revereqce, orregtrd of that ·h~ybuGne!fe they goeabout s becorta~ hearers onely,of forme and cufiome, for fafhion and C£?mpanie•. lt may be, they may heare, attend, and underfiand' wharl is,d:eliYered ; b1;1t it __breedes no more revere~: