Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

and perpetual/ guide. .impreflion, or fpirituall reformation, than an·or:.. dinarie Tale, or humane dtfcourfe: As though ·that holy toyle, and facred breath, were fpent -onely to entertairie the Time, and buGe mens · eares for an Houre ; and, not as Chrift tells ;.Paul, To open their eyes, th4t they might turne from - Darkcnej]'e unto Light, andfr~m the power of S•than unto God" 4 Vpon fome, the Judgement and Curfe of commingwitbout Confcience, and due prepara– tion, doth fo farre prevaile, and ha·rh fuch power, that they become fcorners and raylers againft theMinifter,orhis Do6\:rine, or both; at every Sermon they catch fomething, that they may cavill at,deprave,and calumniate t And fo,wickedly and·wretchedly oppofe their difcourfe, wit, and · fpirit of contradietion again£\: the face of Hea– ven, and heart of Divine Truth. They wrangle and repine (in deed and·. truth, wharfoever their pretences or protell:ations may be to the con- . trarie) againfi: that Great Majeil:i~, ~hofe Mef– fage it is; againft that Holy Spirit,which i11ould . faneti fie them; and the ·Word of Grace, which fhould fave them. s Others there be, even of good hearts and affections, Profeffors,and in fome good meafine practifers of the power of godlindfe ; ·yet ~eeaufe they are careleffe and. negle~ive of this needfull Chriftian dutie or preparation, are pof– feffed with much deadneffe of heart, and dull– neffe of fpirit,.at thofe holy Exercifes. Their zeale, and fcrvencie, which iliould be -quickened (I 2) · and 4 Some become fcorners. s Others are cold and dead· hearted.