Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

>· • and perpetual/ quiile. ~ Befides, examination of our hearts in thefe or . " . , ·the Iike cafes ) there is alfo a more ordinarie and Ordmane~ ..-ufuall examination neceffarie,and req1:1ired ofus, . x ,and that efpecially every day; that we may make E1eryday. the Scoreofour finnes le!fe,andour account l.borter, againfi: the Day of our Vifitation; that wee -maymore entirely and comfortably preferve and - ~njoy Gods favour and prote6l:ion, inward peace ofConfcience,fpirituall joy,and Chrill:ian chearfulndfe in all our affaires and paffages. . 2 Beforeweecome to receive, and be parta3 Before the Sa. · kers of the holy Sacrament of the facre.~ody crament. -and bloud of Chrift; left by negleCl:.and.dWiiflioa 'Of this dutie,we become unworthy receivers, and fo eate and drinkeour owne judgement)and dam- .nation; nay, be guiltie of the innocent and pre- . -·cious bloud of Chrift Iefus ; which one day will be an heavie and urifupportable burtben to our Confciences. 1o he guiltie of the ·finfull bloud . Simile: ...()fprophane men, is able to make the proude£1:. : ·heart and higheft fl:omacke to tremble and quake Afpen leafe, and to fl:rike through his · · foule; with reftleffe horrour, and gaflly lights. Who is able then tobeare the guilt of guiltleffe 'bloud? .Abel.rinnocentbloudcryed forand pulGtn.4.r1~ leddowne fi:range and defperate vengeance upon cruell Cai11. How loud then will be the crie of the bloud of the innocent LambeofGod? How , will i_t ring in theeares of Go~ the·Father? How fearefuliy will it fill Heaven and Ear~h, untill it bath-brought downe Plagues and Curfes up- ·,on thofe wofuU Soules , who irrevere1;1tly and ,(m 4) un- /