Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

andperpetu.a/1 quide. I 71 - :attention to that we lieare ~ as-it is faid ofour Saviour C)1nll:, Luke 19. 48. The people were very attentive ta heate him .J or,as it isin the Originall, they hanged on him : -as if their eares and mindes ;had beene tyed to .his tongue ; there wots fuch a dependencie upon him. And that is a: remark– able place, Ezech.4o. 4, Sonne of man) beholdwith eyes., and heare with thine eares, and [et thine heart up9n a!J that I fha!J fhew thee. See what _at– tention is required : Hee bids him fet his eyes · and his earc:s,and··his heart and all, upon that hee . fpeakes; and not upon fame things onely) but upon all that hee fhould declare unto him•. So · Prov.4.1o;2 I,2Z• MJ Jonne Mtend untomy words, incline thine·eare unto my [ayings, keepe 'them in the midft of thine heart ,for they are life to th()fe that ftnde tham: i. looke as acondemned manwill hearken . to the Sentence of the Prince ; every word bee fpeakes, being life or death : As the fervants of Benhadad, when they were in thei.r enemies power, t.King.zo•33· theyobferveddiligentlywhether any word of comfort would come him, and \ · they did bafi:ily catch it~ Thus, with fuch di;. ligence and attention, fuch _poore condemned creatures (as wee are) are to heare·the Word of God. · Now to quicken attention) thefe mea.nes are profitable. . Fidl:, it is good to doe as they .did :r Luke4· 2o • .. They fatlened their eyes upon Chnft; . · fo doe ye npon the Minifter; and fuffer them not to .wander up and downe ~ A wandering ey~ ·. ·r -I