----------~--------------------------~-- '~ and perpetual/ (juide. . .\ 1 79 Well-; there are a fort of doltilh hearers, that will heare, and feeme to be very attentive, from yeeres end to yeeres end, and be never awhit the .wifer, z Tim. 3. 7. The heavie judge~entofGod is upon many ofthem,that is mentioned,Math. I 3. 14. And in them is fulfilled thePropheGeof !fay; ,By hearing ye fhaUheare, and fhaU not r~nderHand; and that , Ifoy 2 7. r I. It if a people of m under– "Anding : therefore he that made them, fhaUnot fove them ; .and he tHat formed them, {halt [hew them no 4Vour. 1 . 4 You mufi heare the Word with 'a'ifeB:ion, 4 and delight. It is faidofGods people in the Pri- ~~~ witb miti.ve Church,that they heard the Word gladly; a ; (on. andof Chrifl:s hearers, Mark. I z. 37~ they heard . him gladly : And it is noted for agreat Ggne of grace,tohearetheWord gladly,Pfal. II9. 162. 1 rejoyce at thy word, as one thatftndethgreat !J?oyle.r• .Davidhad beene a fouldier; and ye know, that they that .have Iyen at the fiege ofaCitiea long ·time, and at the laft take it , will rejoyce ex– ceedingly in the fpoyle of it : therefore be re– joyces in the VV'ord, as_.they that doe divide the fpoyles. And truly, whereas common people complaine of the badne!fe of their memories; this would be a marvellous helpe to their me.. .mories, if they would heare with delight: therefore Davia fayth , Pfol. I r 9. r 6. I will delight mJ>.felfe in thy Statutes, I t11,i!l not forget thy Word,. This delight be meanes will firengthen our me.. mories. Now contrarie to this, are a gre~t number, ( n 1) that