t86 '!heSaints fur.e how pardly rich men £hall9e faved,Mark.xo. 2 6.. TheJ r~ere aflonifhea~ut •f meafure,.snd foidamongfl themfelves, who then ca11 he f,c.ved t So they con~ fcrred about another Sermon of our Saviour, Ioh.t6. 17,18. · Now iepetition of Se:rmons is efpecially re– quired of them that have families, to repeat the Word unto them : Deut. I I. I 8, I 9. You fball_faJ up theft my nun:ds in your hettrtJ, and you/h.t!lteach . themyuur children ; JP takingof themwhen thou {lttefl · in thy.houft: yea, it is faid to be the chiefell: thing .,- tMt the Lord'had refpetl: unto, 'in giving us his ·_' Word,and theknowledgethereof,thatw.e might inlhud:ourfamiliesinit. Dent. 4· 10. Gather ye mypeorle together,ttnd1wi/Jmaie themhearemy wortlJ, that they may learne tofeare me, And may teach their children. AnQ. this, ifit were pra&ifed carefully, would both make children and fervants more . -carefull to heare and to attend unto the publike - Miniftery ; and better our memories, ·that wee may be much better able to ·retaine d~at which we heare: and it will alfg \fOrke an inward fee– Jing in us and our children,ofthat which we have h~ard. Therefore, Deut. 6. 6, 7. it is called the whetting of them upon our chilaren; repetition doth fet an edge,upontheir dulneffe. . Yea further, for the fearching and.examining ofthe Sqiptures, we are commanded, •I Thejl. 5· 2 I. to trya!JthingJ, and toholdfafl tha,t,tvhich i1good. And the example ofthofenobleBer~ans is·com– mel}ded unto us, AB. 17. II, Il. that fearched the Scriptures dayIy, concerning thofe 'things that