188 ' ' 7"he Saints[ure your eares thil day; that JC""'Y learne·them, and keepe them, anddoe them. The like ye finde, I am.1. 2 i, Yea, obedience to the Word muft be fpeedie, ' without anydelayes,orprocrall:inations; as it is · faid-of the Coloflians, Col. I. 6. that the Gofpel brought forth fruit in them, from the very day d1ey beard it,and knew the grace ofGod in truth. And the Proph~t David rcfolved, Pfal. 119. 6o. , I made haff., and prole~tged not the time to _keepe thy CommAndement!, And .this is a fingular frame-of heart; becaufe the putting of the Word in pra– etife immediately, is a great advantage to the hearer : feeing then,the; affettions of the h~art are quicke, and'lively; which with delayes dye,-and -decay very fuddenly• .Now, alas, for thewonderfull paucitie of fuch obedient .J1earers ; for very few doe prad:ife any thing they heare,lcave any finne,or doe any dutie: and ther.efore theymuft needs prove like theHoufe · built on the Sand; when the til)le of tryall lhall come, theymu.ft needs fall,Math.7.27· Againe, there are many that in.hearing have good motions and purpofes; but they are like the fluggard,that faid,ret alittlejlumher,yet a littlef!eepe; fo)becaufe they delay, they vanifh and come to nothing: of wh~om, in refped: of their fpirituall povertie, it may be faid whkh $al()mon fpeakes; Ril .povcrtie {ball come M one that .travelle~h, and' hil want at an armed man~ ' ' :t\N