Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

l \ 'The SaintsJure" contempt of Iiis holy Word J by fhutting our eyes againft tae heavenly Light of the G0fpel, which bathbeene brought am.ongfl: Lts; by not– prizing.theMinifi:eriew,hichwe have nowenjoy- .eda long time,ner profitingby if: nay,bywkked oppofing it~ with fecret perfecution at the leaft, and-cruell mockings. In the firll: place,confider the crie of this finne, .and .the curfes it brings , from fuch places as thefe. · • . Firll:, 1[&. 29. I r. and both before, and after: And the vijion1{all .(faith the Prophet.) i! hecome · unt9 you as thewDrdsof a Booke that isfoaled, &c. So may I juftly fay : All the vilions,revelations, dif– coveries of the myfterie ofChrift,opening of all ,Gods counfels; all the expolitions, inte.rpretati– ons,applicatiens ofthe Miaifteryofmoft places, have beene unto the m~il:of us ; a fearefull thing .I fpeake, but moft true, and to be lamented with ' teares ofbloud; as thewDrdsof ~, Booke that is[eA-led, which theJ deliver to one that can reade, [aying, Reade thil, I praythee: Then jbA!Jhe [ay, I cannot; for iru [tilled. And!~eBooke ilgiven to him th&t cannot reade, {trying>Reade thil,ltray thee: andhe /b.t!J foy, 1c~~:nnot reade• .That is, all the Sermons they {hall heare, and all the heavenly Me£fages are brought them from God, {hall be as a fealed Booke to a learned man,or an open Boo~eunto an Id.eot. They{hall fl:are in the face ofthe Mini'fl:er,when he iscleare1yunfolding the great myfi:erie of godlineffe,and (hall not be able to underftand him ; they lhall have thei( owne Confcienceunript to the quicke,: ' by