ttndperpetual/ quzde. · by the power of theWord~ and-·fba_ll_n~-t-p_lf_rc-e-iv-e ~~-it i ·they {hall have their fweet ·finne difcovered; . and damned unto the pit of Hell, by evident and unanfwerable demonftration out of the Booke of GoJ)and yet haveno.power to leave it: For the , v.ijion of the ProphetS' (faith the Prophetin the forecited Chapter)· if become unto-them as thewords of"' ' .Boo/(e feilkdup• ·And therefore,aH: the Doetrineof falvation, though it drop upon them as the raine, , and ftill as the deaw·)fhall be but unto their hearts . as untothe hardeft rockes-; all ·hc.>ty admonitions . and reproofes,as arrowes fhot againH: a ftone-wa'll; all facred Le£fons offered and urged upon their Confciences, be as a.Seale ftampt uponwater, ~hich receives noimpreffio~ 0 mo.ft wofull and fearefult•eftate!·!· , . Secondly,Ifo•l:8.9. Whom fha!lhe teachkntJwl'edge, &c. 'fhis is not as many underftand it;That p<!o– plemuft have aIi t tie by littlepreached unto them, but it is a curfeupon t~em• A-s ifhe fuould fay : They are nothing fitter to ,the difdpline ·of the knowledge ofGod,than infants newly.weaned,to ·' receiveany infl:ruetion. For Precept mztjl be upon Pre- · cept,&c. Verf.Io. As ifhe fuould fay:Theymufi ~ be taught as little €hildrenla ·.little at once, and have ofi repeated over aBd over; andyet they can learne nothing to doe themgood,chiefelyconcer– ning their repentance, and efcaping,Gods Judge– ments·: I would toGod it were not too evident, by l?ng and·dolefull experience; That our Mini– fiei'J:e hath done Ieffe good amongll: the elder . fort, and'menoftnuch wor-ldly wifed0me, for · 1 bringing ·, ____.______________.__________ ~~~------J.