' tf - -- 'IbeSaitJts fore bringing them to any fouri~ and comfortable knowledge in Gods Word, tha-namongG little children. . Thirdly,Ezech.33· 3o,3t,32,33· AndJoe,thou · art unto them M a very lovely Song of onB that bath a pleafont voice, &'c. And is it not fo with us? Tha~ even to fome that feeme to be friends, and to de, light in the Minifterie , theWord is become as . if it had loft all powe~ to turne them from their finne,to the holyway; from plaufible formalide, to faving forwardneffe. Heare a GbaraC}er:of them,Ifa.s8. z. ret they [eelee medayly,anJ delight to kttow my w~~tyes,M aNation that did right.tQH.[ntjfe, and forfooke not the Ordinance of their God: they M ke ofme the Ordinances sf Juftice , they take 'delight in approaching to God. They may heare the Word gladly, as Her~d did , and pe.-haps obferve the Meff(fnger,&c. buttheywill not !Hrre an ynch further from finne, and neerer to God : fay what bewill, let him preach out his heart, theywill frill bugge their bofom.e-finne,and hold exactly their heartleffe formes and formall fafhions in Religion,afcer five thoufand Sermons : They are · all unto them, as a lovely Songofone that hath a· · fweet voice; and leave no more impreffion 'upon their Confcience$, than a pleafant Lelfon upon the Lure,upon theeare,wh~n it is ended. Fourthly, ler.1.3 ~ 33· AH4 whenthifpe•ple, ortt P~ophet, or"' Prieft [hall a~ke thee, [aying, what u the burthenof theLord~ &c. Nay, bath not the curfed linne of loathing this heavenly Manna , beene found among us ? Hath not our much Preaching beene