- and perpetual/ quide. beene accounted a burthea,awearifomenelf'e,and a trouble ? yea, as here it was once unto the Iewes . a matter.of fcorne, and reproach ? The Lord c'omplaines grievoufiy, in the quoted place, of this finne ; how they tooke up this cu!\:oine amongft them)concerning the faithfull preaching · of all the true Prophets, to-aske fcoffingly; what il the burthen of the Lord t Thus making a fcorne of all the right difcoverie of their finnes,and the found denunciation of Gods Judgement, calling it by the nameofa Burthen; theLo~dchargeth them mo!l: feverely, that they 1hould not ufe that difdainefull fpeech any more. Hee tells them, bow that they had perverted an«labufed the holy Word ofthe ever-living God,the Lord ofHoafts: and withall direcb them , what phrafe of fpeech they lhould ufe, when they fpeake ofhis Word fent unto them by his true Prophets ; T'hat thus each fhould dernand,in reverence of his Majefi:ie: what hath the Lord Anf,ered; or, wh~tt b~tth theLord Jl?oken J And to leave off thofe reproachfull taun. ting tearmes, what il thehurthen 'f the Lord1 Or otherwife, bee would furely be avenged of them for this linne ; aswe may fee in the denunciation following. Fifthly,Jer.7•4,8,g, 10~ It. 'I'ruffnotinlying s words, foying, The Temple of theLord, the Temple of the Lord, &t~ They refi:ed upon the outward . formes of Gods worfhip, without reformation. It is jull: our cafe. Many 'amongft us fa'tisfie themfelves,and tbinke it will ferve the turne for falvation) ifthey reft upont~e Sabbath, heare the (o) Wqrd,