~9+ ' 'Ibe Saints Jure Word, Feceivc the Sacrament,' and conforme to the outwardeKercifes of Religion; t'hough they ' abide in their finnes;and have no acquaintance at · · all with the power of the Word,_,r~e My~erie' , of Chrift) convcdion to God, or holy conver. facion.. _./ Sixtly, !fa•.6. 9, 10. Goe teU this p~opfe; Heare yee indeed, but underftand not ; fee yee indeed, but per– ceivenot : make the he_art of thu people fi:tt, and·make thcir~a.reshea!Vie, andfh::t their eyes, left '&c. Oh, this.is hea~i€ ,_ th•tc a,Minifter-fhould be fent to a– further harEiening of a·peo.pre! And yet it.is jult with God, al}d they fhall feele iron their Bed of Deatl1. The Tl1eefe.on the Croffe was converted:' wi~ha p~ieCt'iOf aSetoooq,_ they.are no"t wrought ' upon after many yeeres ~ therefore it is..tuft wirh God, as an act'ofj.udgement, becaufe they \VouiJ. nor cqme ia, after f0 long a time.) to giye them· , o.verto fi1eh ju_diciaHhardnefie, ,. ' ...: ·.. ' : ·: Confider the(e things,and trembleaJ,J·yee that ·' have any wayes ftrucke at the face of Chrill:~ by contempt of his Miniil:erie. For the humbl'ing_ of your foule~ into the dull:, for tHis horrible· tinne ;_ perufe in bleeding hearts., inJecrec). that ~lacke and bloudie Catalogue of fearefull pro-- . vocations, which ar€ orclinarily. to be found in, ' · and certaineiy fet upon the Score of fuchas hate : to be reformed und~r aconfcionabte ~iinifierie'. , Whichmade Ch~ill:· fay, Ioh. I:)• 2 z.: .• lf1 had.not. : c()mc and fo.oken unto them, &•c. . • t I Defpifing it; fhutting tbeir eyes again!l . th~t glorious Ligi-tr·; eretted in their. faces :, to• lead e.