Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

and perpetual/quide. _.- ~Ieade them to Heaven. See MAth.Io. 14. wh•– fiever /hall not recei'tleyo:J, norheArt y•ur tllbrdJ, when yeedepart Dut 1[thAt h•ufe, If Citie, /b.tke ojf the duH tJfyourfeet•. Here is _ a notable place, to affright all ~l:10fe that are umvorthie partakers of the Minifterie. For the underftanding whereof, take notice of thefe five points. . · 1 It is '\S if they lhould fay ; Here I have gone a long journey, and have -contrad:edduG: and fdnd bymy travell, and taken a great de-ale of paines ; and loe, here I fhake offthis dutl:, in witnetfe,that you had Chri£1: offered you,and you would not accept him~ 2 To intimate unto them ; I care not for anyofyou,or yours, but onely I feeke thegood of your foules, I refpeet not fo much as the duft; I prize more the converfion of any of your foules, than all yours : and this clull: lhall . witnelfe it. 3 They fhooke otf .the df.!ll:, as a witnetfe: I will have nothing to doe with this Cit~e; for I know, the Plagues and Iudge.ments ofGo_d will feize on this place, as it was with Sodome and Gomorrah; I will have no communion and fo- . cietie with thefe wicked people. 4 They did fhak~ off the duft, to ,intimate that deftru&ion lbo"uld come upon them. For · it is faid , Pfalme I. That they fhould be driven away as the dutt : As that is iliaken with the w:inde; fo {hall they be with the ~vrath of .- 191 \ I Go~. · {o 2) 5 In ~-