, and perpetual/ (juide. . \ 197 Thus yeu have feene the fixe Curfes , and the fixe Sinnes, that the n@t profiting by theWord doth bring upon a people. :z Nmv, in the fecond place, let me tender to ~ 1 your mofl: ferious t·~oaghts fome quickening Motives, for the !Hrring of you up to profit by the VVord. I Some taken from theWord it Celfe,the Mi- ~ . ni!l:erie whereof you have flighted. - _; What then is the bleffed thing you have fo . wickedly abufed? It is, . 1 The w"rd ufsalvation,Afi.I3·26. Noother I Word, or created Power, can fave your foules I from Hell. · 2 The Wgrtl of Truth,Eph. t. 13. There is error . in all other Truths, whether NaturaiJ,or Moraii, or Politicall : and goe to any Art,there is weake– neffe and infirmitie in the braine of man , that there can be no certaintie; but here is all Truth; and here is infalli~ilitie , you need not doubt of any. · 3 It is called the Word "f Li{e,Phil.2.i6. All other Learningwhatfoever,when it bath furnilhed you with ornamen.ts and parts, it leaves your foules ftarke dead in finnes and trefpaffes. But this is aword •f Life,it infpires fpirituall Life,and brings eiernall Life. , 4 It is called a Word fJ/ Recanriliation, 2 Cor.). 19. Let the Sea runne nothing but Gold,and le~ Heaven and Earth be turned-·into Gold and Sil– ver,andoffered unto God, it could not reconcile us. Ifall the creatures would lofe their being, (o 3) be