·----~------------------------·------------~·- ·~8 j · .·· Cfhe Saints fore . I 1~ i; 1be annihilated, and come to nothing ;. yet this COLlld not fave fudws, or any One reprobate : but the Word hath beene a blelfed infhument, for re– conciling many foules to God. ~tlctuwfuft 5 It is, as it were, an Epifile or Letter (as one ~;':!~:a~,~~i., of the Fathers calls it) written from God A'l– ft~la ~mnipoten- mightie unto us miferable men ; wherein hee 1" Deudere:· writes his Will and \1\7ord, and fends it to us : turam [Nam • h M. . Jl. h d f . d h b . Greg.E.pijl.tib. 4 • t e IDiuers are t e rea ers o It, an_ r ey nng Epifl.84 · the newes from Heaven. And what-is the matter of it ? Concerning eternalllife,or eternall death, concerning the good of your foules. Now, if you had a private Letter come from the King, concerning your advancem~nt , or your delive– rance and forgiveneffe for fome dangerous Trea1 fon, or both ; how would you take this Letter, , and how often would you reade it, with what · vyil1ingneffeofaffe6l:ion? Now,here is an Epifr1e fent from Heaven, to advife you, that you are all Traitors and Rebels againfi Heaven; andyet here in this Letter, God offerst~e bloud ofhis Sonne, and you may be reconciled : and will you negle~ it? This is the matter of this Epifile; it brings matter of deliverance from the greateft Curfe that can befall the creature, and the greateil: ad– vancement. 6 It is the bottomeleffe Treafurie ofall high, fweet,and excellenteft things: The Myfierie of the Trinitie, the Majefrie of God, the Love of God,andof Chrift; his futferings, the Spirits workings, the happineffe of the Saints , and the I glory of Heaven, &c. 7 It