Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

And perpetual/ quide. 7 It mufl: be our Iudgeatthelail:day,Ioh.xa. 48. Every honeft Sermon, -is but the Word of . God unfolded~ and a bunch ofArrowes wrapped ·up, and unfolded, are all one. · 8 It onely can cure a wounded Confcience, the greateft calamitie that ever the heart of man was acquainted with; and that which n:o Arme of fl.efh,or created Power, noman or Angel, can eafe · at all. 9 In it onely are to be had Deeds and Evi– dences, to fhew for eternall Life; ·and Acquittan– ces, for difcharge from eternaUDeath~ 1o It bath faved all the foules that are in Hea– ven~ Rom. I0.13. I I It onely is the objed: <>f divine and infufed 199 Faith. Humane tefl:imonies and authorities be- MufoMI.itMM. get onely humane Faith : Therefore you mull: P·36 1• reverence this Word. % Some Motives taken from the mall: feare– full and curfed eftate of thofe who negle~ and _ reje& the Minill:erie of theWord, hating to be reformed by it. Marke and take to heart thine unfpeakable miferie, whofoever thou art, that de– fpifefi the Minifl:erie : Take a tafi:e of it, in thefe paffages. I They are deprived by this meanes of the love and favour ofGod,the onely faunraine ofall comfort,peace,and glory; which is infinitely the dearefl: and rnoil: unvaluable loffc , that can be imagined. , z Of their pan and portion in the bloud of Chrifi; one drop whereof, is incomparably more . · ( o 4) worth I i . '