Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

102 'The s~ints fore ~ T~ey may have Prophets, but fuch as are fo_oles; they may have men of the Spirit,but thofe _ that be m~d, Ho[. 9• 7· .By afoole, is meant not a I naturall, but fpirituall foole, Pr(J'f). r.'8. fer. 4· 22. I[tt.s_. 2o. By mad, is underftood not a man I out of his wit,or diftraeied in minde, but he that I like a mad D'ogge rageth and rayleth again!l: the Truth ofGod, and finccritie ofhis Saints; whieh is a great judgement. , 3 They may enjoy faithfull Teachers, but to their fu,rther hardening, as the Ifraelites did tfaitth, Ifa.6. 9, 10. Which of all other judge– ments that God can infliCt in this life,is themoft fearefull.· 4 By this meanes ~ they may make fad the. heart and affed:ions of their Teachers, that they cannot with that chearefulneffe as they defire, performe the offices of their Minifterie : Which as it difcourageth the Teachers,(andwill one day li'gh t heavie on the caufers and procurers thereof) fo it is unprofitable for the hearers, and deprives them of-much good they might otherwife enjoy; as appeares,Heb. r 3· 17. _ 4 4 Some from confideration of thofe confufions and defolations, which it pulls with great violence even upon whole Kingdomes. Looke .upon fuch places as thefe: l Chron~3 6.1 6,17,&c. Ier.25·3·&c. &cap.35.r5. Rev.6.4.&c. The glorious Light of thofe feven Candle– . ftickes in Afia, mentioned in the Revelation.r, was long fince, for their unfruitfu lne£fe, coldndfe,and contempt of the Word, turned into the darke _ Mid-