~ See Wh.tte!J', -;J11l[,.UJ• Cfhe Saints Jure \Vhat a wofull and bewitched people are,they, who being reafonablecreatures, having an under.. fianding Light, hke the Angefs of God; having eyes in their heads,to fore-fee the wrath that is to come; hearts in their bodies, that·cim tremble as the leaves of the Forefi,which are tbakenwith the winde; ConfCiences,that are capable of unfpeak~ able horror; bodies and foules, which can burne in Hell forever: aoo yet fome have lived twentie, fome thirtie, fome fortie; fome fixtie yeeres; and · yet to thisday,havenot learnt onefound fpirituall Lelfon,for the true good oftheir foules,either out ·of the Booke of God, the.Booke of Narure, the Workes of God, or any other WC\Y ? Why, to · what end doe you thinke were you .created, and ~put into this World ? To eate, and drinke, and 1leepe; to lye,and fweare,and root in the Earth; to Dice and Card, and goe in the Failiion ; to :conremne the Minitlerie ; fhamefully to belye, flander, and rayle upon Gods pc:ople, as too pre– ·Ci fe ; to die, and th~n not to be damned ? Affu– ,fedly, thouwaft not borne, and placed upon the Earth,for to fervc-thine owne turne,to pleafe thine owne heart,to follow thine mvne wayes,to live for a. while likea l3cafi: in fcnfua11 contentrnents, and then togoe to Hell. Certaincly, thou wall: fent into this World for fomcotherend,for fome grea~ ter bufineffc and important affaire; even for that On-e necejlarie thing, Luke 1 o. 41. to know) ferve, and obey thy God,and to fave that precious Sou le of thine in the Day ofChrift; to feeke firil: the King.dome of Heaven, toknow and feele ·the vertue } =====-----~------------------------~-----