5 PD}Jeri~r pars P{almi, de quo heflerno die lo– culi frmsm,&c, Idem inryat.78~ . Conc.1.. l\ Hejkrnodie Pfol.brevio_r trtt– ffabatur, &c. laem. in Pfol. ' 141· i Primiiw igitur per(uade.nnm,ut :i11rammtorum 'fuga in melius mut•lirmem fo· tiat: etfi enma heri & nudiTU tertius de hiic vBbis locrtt~ {itm mazeriti~ neque lamen lmlie deft· ;ftam,neque cr!U, 1neque pmndie, :,adem perfutt.. iere. chry(op. :l&d Pop.Antio,h. Hom.r. 'See him in M~ttb.r s. Hllm. S'3· P4t·3°4· at~< k MOVt'lft111t qllidem ({ratres) ..1bun& (er!M• nem vefjerti'IJII. le8ttcuta, &c. ' Baftl the great, Serm, in ebriet. 'The SaintsJure· g The ltttter part of the Pfo!me, 1[ which wee jpake yefterday, &c. h reHerd~ty. AfhH'ter Pfo,lme ~:'M handled. · · (3) i Firfltherefore let tu perfwade you,thttt yn:~ would Amend and a_b~ndon your 0 athes : F~r a/thou~h I JPake of the fome mP.tter yeHerday, And the dtty be– fore that; yet notwithjlanding, I will nit ceafe to day, nor to morrow, nor theday after that, ·io ptr[ll'ttde the fame things. Whence it appeares, that hee prea– ched the day before, and the day before that; and would preach the day following, and the day after that. / (4) k reflerdaye1 {if.ht (Brethren) pr6vlketl me to thu Sermon, &c. This Sermon was made upon . Eaiter Monday.; and no d?ubt, he had preached 0n Eafier day. (S) 1 reflerday, &c. T1 day wee rPill di[cltlrft hriefely of Baptifme, And the !Jenejits that flow from thence to u5: .Although yefterday ourJPeech didflow more httffily fr~m ftU, both uecttu[e the time did urge, M al[o leaff length of JPeech /hfJu/4 h_eget difdaine and{atietie : for the fatietie ofJPeech it no leJP~ an enemie to .the CAres , than too much meate jl ti the· htJdy. Thefe Orations were divine, arid as Ser.: . mons; ·and this was made on the day immedi– ately after aA holy-day. The Greeke Church at that time celebrated the dayofChrilhBap– tifme. 6-luxum,quibrMdie Pa{ch.t populum affeC'lum -Ndit, p.tg. Hr. I Ht{tmto tlit &c. h1die de B'iZpti[mo "' bmeftcio inde ad nos promanante, hreviter dif1eremU4~ Heflerna luce nos or.ttio pr~t· . ter'jlHxit, t11m q~tia tempm ttrgtbat , tum ne ~f.lidi~m fotietate1tlque fermonu prolixitiU paret·et. Serf1<1onh qui,bpe fotitt<tJ non minU4 auribU6 inimi'a efl,qNam cibMS immodkli4 corpori. N•~anten• 'Tom,,., OY~t.4o. iRfonCium8apti[ma, pag. 6l4. · (6) m if -