Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

and perpetttal/ quide. - 2..1 I times, without any premeditation; fo it feernes he preached his fecond Sermon. And fo did A~- De Ba!tifit~a rc[e· -jiin his Sermon,upon P[al. 9 5. It feemcs there,hts rc~tte D.D.Donne•. Br(')ther Severm failing to coine,hc preached himfelfe. And I have told you heretofore ofa Sermon Seeadfratm in which he made upon a fudden; occafioned by-an e.remt~,Serm.J3. heavie accident. And thefe Sermons were fuch, that they have bin thought worthy by the Church from time to time, to be conveyed and communicated to pofi~(ity. For inall mydifcour(~,I amfo farre fromgi~inganyallowance to idle,-impertinent,or anyway_unfubfl:antiall Preachit?"g; that I hold it a very irkfome, and loathfome, andwicked thing,lyable to that heavie Curf~; c_ur{ed if fte"that aot~ the worke oftheLordneglit;entlj. · But let a·lfiJh bewell gro~nded before he begin, begod!yhimfelfe,ply faithfully and painefully his Minjfi:eriaii charge,infeafon andout,of(eafon; and it is incredibi~ to wfiat he may a.ttaine .. in·the Point I pu-rfuc, by his much exercife;and Gods bhHiing upon it. ,But yet fome fay; Firft, That a man cannot preach well, under~ quarter ofa yeeres provJfion. See the truth hereof, in the fore-go'irigReafons. · ' Secondly, That often Preaching wiii make it ~oo cheape,andcontemptible; which to affirme, is a bafe and carnall wrangling, and confuted by the practice of theFathers. Thirdly, .That Reading is to be pref~rred before Preachmg. . •.. · . . .. ·Weedoenotdenie, bntt_hat the Word read, is. tl1e rule of holineife, may convert, the Spitit ac- . ( p z) compan~ing