! I I I 11:& I 'The Saints Jure ----~ companying his Or4inance; and therefore is to have place,and due refpeet in the Congregation: but wee will not eq.uall it to Preaching. If Rea– dingwere more excellent, and of greater force to convert,than .Preacping; why are not the people . converted, that .have a Reader? To what end then ferve Schooles of the Prophets ? Wherefore lhould men fiudie the knowledge of Tongues, and Arts,ro divide the Word aright,and to dill:ri:. 'k bu.te to·every:mans prefmit neceffities ? Arid why Jhould Satha.n rage more againfl: Preachers, than ~e4ders; except the Word powerfully delivered did not the J:l10te batter and beat downe his Kingl Objeff. · eAnfw. ~o.~pe? ~~dep~whydid not Chrift fend out his ~poftle~ with this ch2trge, G!Je, reade; bur, Goe, pre1-th to 1-fl NationJ 't Whetefore doth Paul pro– nounce aWoe to them that preach not the Gofpel? Afl<;i;~~hy didhee.not.charge_his fonne T~mothybefa.re-Qod, to-rt~tdeinfrttfon;~dout of[eafon ! ·. Yea, but .ma}{ !Ome f..iy; TheanCient Fathers ·were cxtraordinarie men, .apd therefore no Pat– ternes for our Preaching,&c. They were glorious :lights, and wee but GJo~-wormes · ; they were Cedars, wee but Shrub~, &c. ·. · Let them be what they were,' I as much reverence and refpe& them, as any man alive, if wee take tntth and difcretion with us. And therefore at this time, Iwill fuppofe ·er fay (o, becaufei doubt not, but our Age bath brougpt fortH as worthy Divines, ifnot worthier, as anyof the an.!. . I cient Fathers;) Ifay,I will fupp0fe them to be as' i~ were Gyants, and wee .Dwarfes : Yet fet a . Dwarfe