• I ar6 t The Saints Jure ----i·. But wee inay adde to Chryfoftomu Antidotes, thefe 16. more. · - / l 1 Art thou wearie of the wayes of vanitie, and~omming on with a grieved and forrmvfull heart ·for thy finne, to meet thy deare Redeemer ; and doth.the conceit of ~he number and haiaouf.. neffe of thy tranfgteffions, croffe and confound thyhopes of being received to mercy?Why then Iooke upon Paul; ~e fhed the bloud ofthe Saints with extraor.dinariefageand furie,'AEt9.r. upon Manajleh, a man of prodigious impietie, 2 Chron. · 33. 6. uponJome ofPeters hearers,who crucified . . 1 the'Lord of Life,AB.z .2 3'· Ifthefewill not ferve (the turne)ooke upon A dam; vvh? cafl: away him– felfe, and undid all, and was the caufe that all that iffued out ofhis loines,unto the Worlds end, fell into the damnation of Hell: and yet all thefe,up– ! on repentance, were received unto mercie. And 1 therefo~e, if thou canfl: now heal'tily repent, feare no former ftnnes. 1 Ha!l thou by tl1cviolenceofSathans temp– tations>the flie enticements of thine owne ftnfr1ll nature, and the cunning infinuations of thy for– mer bofome-ftnne ' beene fearefully ov~rtaken with fome fcandalous fall.,fi.nce thouwa.fl: conver– tcd,and gave thy Name unto Grace; and upon ilJumination ofthy confcicnce, rcmorfe,andmedi– tation ofreturne,thou art afham~d to look Chrifl: Iefus in the face, becaufe thou hafl: fo fbame,d thy profeffion; and thou art fo troubkd wirh horror l and conceit, that thycafe is finguiar, that thou I canfl: findnoeafc.t,o thine humbledand forrowfu11 ' · - , he~rt- ?:•