Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

. ' and perpetual/ quid~. heart? Why th~n Iooke upon Pavid, Peter, &c. tranfcendenr infi:ances, 'that thou may not finke into defpaire. . 3 Art thou plDnged into the perplexities and fearfull apprehen{ions ofa fpiritual defertiO??.Art thou deprived of thy former comfortable feelrngs ofGods favorable countenance?Hafi thou nocorn .. "! fort in pra:yer r &c. Looke uponDtrt:id, Pf. 77~ . · _ · 4 It may be, upon thy Bed of Death, *when .. See ~ath~ns Sathan will ·make thy ftnnes appeare farre more dc:~th 10 thls , . . , h f C r . pomt, Hetpe t() ugly and hornble to-t e eye o thy ·ontclence, Devotion,p. 155• than ever bee did-before; andwill perfwade thee , .all he can, that all thy h6tyJerviCes unto God;and· , new obedience, was quite rnarred with Pride, Hy– pocrific,and by--refpe6h; I fay,it may be then thy heart will quite faile thee,and thy conceit ofGods .wratbfull a·nd angry countenance for thy Gnne, may (o oppreffe and confound thy foule,rhat thbu mayc!l feare lefi thou be forfaken :· Why then thinke upon thy Saviours moLirnfull cry upon the Croife; My God,my God,n'hyhajt thowforfaben me .2 ; 5 It may be thouart a true-beanedNathanael,in - whofefpirit there is no guile; bates all finnehear– tily,both in thy fclfe arid orhcrs;defire!tand labo– refl: toplcafeGod in all things;and to keepeagood confcience beforeall things in the World;and yet thou findeft and feelefl: in thy brefl: many times a heavy,fad>and unchearefull heart: why'then)1eare · David,a man after Gods owne heart,ofa more ex– cellent fpirit) and eminent graces, than thou'art, <:omplaining P[al-43. 5. whyart thoufohearpie,Omy Joule:>andn·hy art th!JUfodifquieted withinme?, -6 Art