Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

...., I i 6 Art thou'grievoufly troubled with the haunc ; . and 1\orror of fpeciallli.nne, ofwhich thou I · .· can£1: tlot be fo eafily rid; and doeft thou therefore ; goe mourning all the day? Why then looke alfo I upon Da1.·id,Pfal.32· In fuch a cafe, he roared a!J the day, hi! ~oneswere cun[umed, tind hii native f.110ijlure w.u turne..d tnto the drought ofsummer._ · 7 Art thou vexed to the heart, and fearefully haunted with fome horrible and hatefull injecti– ons of Sathan; thoughts framed by himfelfe im~ m~diately, and put into thee; perhaps tending to · Atheifme, or to the difhonour of God in fome highdegr~e, or to the difgra'ce of his Word, or felfe-deftruelion,&c. or the like: thoughts which thou canft not remember, without horror; and dare£1: not reveale, or name, for their firange and prodigious hatefulneffe ? Why then confider, how this malicious Fiend dealt with the Sonne of God: He fit~ge!l:cd unto his moft holy and · unfpotted imagination,thefe p,ropofttions: firft, 'Murther; Make away thy felfe, Math. 4· 6,. fe– ., condly,Fall downe and worthip theDevill,P"'trf.9· What more fearefull and horrible apprehetHi– ons? And yet thefe were fuggefied to our blctfed Saviour; to him perhaps more fenftbly, to thee more fecretly. * Hi~ pure and ·holy heart, un– capable of firine, did rcje& them with infinite contempt; and himfelfe did utterly conquer and, ., See Dik(,of Chr.ifts temp• tations,p.li9• } ... -- . / confound the Tempter, and that for thee, and thy' fake too. And if thine heart rife againfl:, abo– minate,abandon,grieve,an~ be humbled for them, · they. Iball never b.e layd tO·thycharge,. but fet on · Sathans .. - -- ...