Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

anil p~erpetu-a/1 Quide. - · Satbans Score. For all the_m, ~hou mayen goe o,ncb'earefully and comfortably in the courfe of . Chrillianitie : And fodoe~ And l~t not Sathan : attaine his; d~vellifh endby them ; which js' to !vorke afionifument in th.y minde, horror in thy : confcience, heavine{fe in thy heart, difira6l:ions : -in thy thoughts, &c. that thereby thou maycft l bedisheartened and·difabled for the chearefull l ·difcharge and performance both of thy part_icu- ' lar and generall calling. Or elf~, art thou long : afcer thy converfion, atfaulted wtch perhaps forer ·fpirituall pangs, and_more horror, -than at thy ~httnge? ConfiderD•vzd,Iob,Hezeki•h. _ . . 8 ·Haft thou loft thy goods,or children? Doth . tb,e Wife that Iyes in thy bofome, fet her felfe ; againll: thee? Doe thy neereft.friends charge thee : falfely ? Art thou difeafed from top to toe? . Doe the Arrowes of the Almightie fiicke fall: · · in thy foule ? Thy affii6l:ion is grievous eriough, ; if thou l1all: anyof thefe. But doe they aii, in the greatell: extremitie, concurre upon thee at once? Ha£1: thou lofi: all thy children, and all .. thy go0ds? Doth thy Wife affii6l: thyaffiiCli- . ons? &c• . If this be not thy cafe, thou commell: fhort of iob, amoft jutl man, andhigh in Gods favour. · . 9 Hall: thou given thy Name toReligion,and' art a Profdfor of Grace; andart thou therefore · villanoufly.traduced with many flanderous nick– names,and odious imputations? Art thou called Purita111;·Fr-ecijian, Hypocrite, Humotifl, Dijfembler, &c? Why, graceldfe \vretches, when· bee waS' _ _·- _ upon · '~ , / .