Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

( 'The Saints fore upon Earth;called Chri£1: le[us,Devi/1. SeeMath. · ro. 25. loh .. 7· 20. Conternne thou therefore · for ever,the ' u.tmoil: malice of the moft fcurrill ' tongue. , · r o Art thou a loving and tender-heartedMo– ther unto thy Children, and haft thou loft thy dearefi?Why,t~ebleffed Mother ofChrill: fiood by,and faw herowne onely deare innocent Sonne, the Lord o£ Life? moH: cruelly and villanoufly murthered upon the Cro~!fe, and die a fhamefull death before her eyes, I oh. 19. 2 5. · I r Art thou a woman, who iri the time of thy ·· travaile art preiled with many wants; with w-ant of comfortable cornpanie,deured helpes,a fairer roorne,and other worldly comforts and convepi– ences ?. Why yet comfort thy felfe with t:h1s; That holy Virgin,which brought into the World the ,Worlds Saviour, brought forth that ble~d . Babe in a Stable, and laid him in a Cratch, Luke · 2. 7. It is very like,farre more poorely,in refpeet: of worldly comforts,than the poorefl: fort of wo– men amongfl: us; with leffe comfortable helpers, and in a 1effe feemely and com~odiousplace, for fuch a purpofc. " r 2 Hath thy Faith lofl: its feeling; and be– fides, cloth God Iooke upon thee with an a.ngry countenan<:e, and is thy heart fi lled with heavi– ne!fe and horror? Yet for all this, let the hand of 'Faith by no mean~s loofe it hold-faft upon the precious fuiferings and faving bloud:.{hed of thy deare Redeemer. ·Thou haft before tbee,a match– .Ieffe and tranfcendent precedent in this poiqr. Thits