Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

. . ttnd perpetual/ quide. Thus cryes holy lob, baying, befides his unpara– lelled v!lrietie and extremitie of outward affiitl:i– ons, the Arro,es of the '.Aimightie flicking fa£\: in him, and drinking uphis fpirits ; Though hee kilt me,yet wi!J I trujl in him, Ctp. I 3. I 5. So Abraham, Rom.4.r8. - . I 3 Doeft thou, day after day, poure out thy foule in prayer before the 'fhrone of Grace, with . all the earnd\:neffe and infiancie thou canft poffi– ·bly ~ and doeft thou fii~l. rife up dull and heavie, and uncomforted, without anfwer fromGod, or comfortable fence of his favour 'and love (bed in– to thine heart? Why,yet pray ftill j affuredly,at -length thou (halt be glorioufly refrefhed,and regi– ·ftred in the remembrance of God, for a Chriftian ofexcellent faith. See a patterrie ofrare and extra– ordinarie .patience this way, Mlith. I ).:z 3. &c. 14 Doth the World, Sathan, carnall men, thineowne friends,forinall .Teachers,fuppofe and .o~nfure thee tobe adiifernbler in thy profelijon, arid will needes concurrently and confidently fa– fien upon thee the imputation of Hypocrifie? Why l yet for all this, let thy fincere heart, coJ)– fdous to ·it felfe of !t owne truth in holy Cervices, like a {l:rong Pillar ofBraffe,beat backe and rej eCl: with noble contempt and glorious difdaine, all t~eir impoyfoned Arrowes of malice and flander this way. Thou haft a right worthy patterne in the Booke of God, for this purpofe. : J'Qb, paa 3:gainfr him not onely the DevilJ, his e~cmie, pufhing at him}Vith his poyfoned weapons; but ~ven his owne friends) fcourging him with their ' tonguesj . . - ·-·