Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

7'-he S.aints fore tongues ;yea,his owneWife a Thorne, prickino– him in the eye; yea)his owne God miferably Iaili-– ing his naked foule.with Scorpions ; pmverfull motives, to make hin:t fufpe6t himfclfe of former halting and hollow-he~rtednetfe in the wayes of God : yet notwithfta.nding all this, his good and honefi: heart having beene long bef6re acquainted with and knit unto his God with finceritie and trut11,makes him boldly and refolutely to proteft; That untiUhe die, hewiUnever take away hil innocencie . fro~himfelfe; that hewould keepe t.Jif righteoufneffe>and notfor[ake it, and that hil heart}hould not reprove him, for hil dayc.r. . · . Is , Haft thou an untowardW ife,that is acon– tinuall dropping and a perpetuall Goade in thy lide? Heare lobscomplaint,Cap. I 9 :I 7. Mybreath ifflrange tomywife,though I entreatedfor the childrens fake of mbu owne vody. ' t 6 Art thou vexed with a propbane dogged Husband? Abigail,aWife,and precious woman, had a Nahal to her yoke-feiiow. Thus rhefe patternes and precedents in the Booke of God, purpofely regifi:red- for the re– frclhing and recoverie of his chofen, in fpirituall or temporall firaits, are ordinarily propofed in a trimfcendent and rnatchleifc degree; that in their . greateft extremities,by refleCting their eyes upon fuch examples, they may be prefcrved from de.. fpaire, have the fi:ronger confolation , and no't thinke'their cafes to be comfortldfe-a11d Let thefe confid~rations move us to bewell read in thefe holy myfteries, and day and night exercifed in