Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

az.S l The Sa-ints Jure --------------------------------- Fourthly; The fruits and 'effe&s which it brln– geth forth. Fifthly,_ The fubjed: wherein it is, or about which it is occupied.. . Sixtly, The qualities or properties atijoyned. And know, t_hat oftentimes, in common pra6tiee, thefe three,·the 6nall caufe,.the fruit or the etfea, the ufe or propertje of a. thing , are often con– founded. Seventhly, The contrarie•. Eightly, The comparifo~. Exemplifie in the joyes ofHeaven; of'which, fee Ha{/: · In ftnne ; of which , fee PraRice of Chriflianitie, pag. 2 9 )· Vpon this occafion, let us perufe , in this· manner , Fafting J and the . Plague. · 5· A fifth rneanes to ·profit by the Word, is. Teaching, Praying with, and Catechizing your children and fervants. - To .which Dutie, be ilirred up and ftreng~ thened, by · · . Firft·, Scriptures; D'eut. 4· 9· & G. 7· & . 11. 19. Pfal. 78: 5, 6. Exud. 1·2. 26, 27. & 1·3,14. IoJb•. 4. 6,7;2I,22 .o. Deut. 6.o .zo, 21 •. 6. 4· . Secondly , By the patterne and ·practice of holy Parents, from time_ to time. Confider for this purpofe, the carriage 9f .Ahrah4m, Gen. 18. 19. David, Prov-. 4• 4• -Bathfheba, Prov. 3 I. 1. Lois and Eunice, 2 Tim. h 5. -Thirdly, By the autho,ritie of the ancient Fathers.. _ . · (t) Heare