Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

and perpetual/ Cj_ _ u_id_e.___ z3_r_ Children forth into this World, Jimbes .for the - Devill, and fewell for Hell-fire, thou labour not. might and rnai~e, to get them new·-bornc the members of Chriil:, and freed from everlafi:ing flames. · Fifthly, Grace onely is able to make thy Chil1<!afan ~· drcn tmly obedient,ferviceable,and everlall:ingiy Profit, - rhankfull; having now a double rye; firll:,birth; fecondly, new-birth. Then onely, and never be– fore, doe they begin to pray for their Parents, to deak faithfully in their bufineifes, not to long fortheir death. · , Sixtly, A confcionable and conll:ant perfor- 'R.eafon 6. mance of this Dutie in tbeirlife time, will fill Co1,!1forc. Parents hearts full of fiveeteft joy and heaven!y comfort upon their Beds of Death; when they · fee, by their care and zeale for their fpirituall good, that holy knowledge and wifedome planted in their Childrens hearts, which will bring them afcer them to eternall blHfc: or howfoever, confcioufneffe of a confcionable _difchargc of their Dutie in this refpect , will infinitely refrefh them. · Seventhly, ItisthcwaytomakethypoQeritie 'l{eafon 7• truly honoura~le, and to meet thee in Heaven. Hi)nour. Thofc Children ~hich are taught by thee, may teach the fame things unto theirs , and thofe to others, &c. Eightly, Thy Children negle&ed in this point, 'R.,eafon 8. and fo dying impenitently, will cmfe thee everHurt, Iafiingly in Hell, for thy bloudie inexpiable cru1 elcie towards them in this ·kir.d. _ J- . ( q 4) . Niruhly, 1