Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

'. ; ). a;z. 'The Saints fore 1-----1 'I(tll[. 9• -~< Sed p!etique homi»um h~c 11911 remini(iun. INr, qui fi!ios fuos ab infamia ex– urminant ; qui fi/ioj foos & fitiM foa&.llb inc1ma· bnlu non erudiunt, non corripi~ ·---- Ninthly~ Befides innumerable finnes of thine owne, (the leait of which, merits eternitie of Helli{h ~orments) thou haft juflly * fee upon - thy Score, by this unconfcionable rnurthering ~egligence, .the finnes and finnefull courfes of thine owne Children; which will lye full hea– vie upon thy Confcience, when it fball be ra– gingly enlightened by the long provoked wrath of God. unt a iuventute ; non prohibt1tl mala , non tdiunt pcf}ima , non coercent iUicita, ?ten admonmt timorcmDei, nonCOmf?]ina.ntur iudicium (Jebenn.e, lt~n vit.e .etern.e introitum docent; non enim edu•unt eor in di(ciplina, atque eruditione Domim, quia non egerunt curam pro animabra eorum) neque foiiciti font pro folute, vel perditio11e fili!Jrum Huiu(modi CIITM non eruditt?lt neqtte corripiunt filios {t10s , & ip{9rum animan igni inextin!,uibili in introitum tradunt , & femct ip{ns in fm·orem iNdic9 d1mergrmt; omnia tnim qu.e deliquerint ftlij, de parentibtt6 reqni· I rulftur, qui non erudicri;,t, neque corripuerim ftlios (u"1. HtJi~ cuidem exempltJfiZ in Htli 1Jflen· diM, & in fi!ijs eiUJJ atqf4e in alijr alibi. Origen. in lib. Job, r, - 6 7 8 .. ' 4 See M"(culU4 and others upon 1he place. 5 ' 6 ''The next meanes, is Prayer, Prov. 2. 3, 4, 5. 7 The fevcnth meancs 1 is Praelife. See John 7. 1 7· 8 The eight, is Experience. SeeDil:e of the heart, pag-.69. 3 Be none0 r the reprobate grounds,Math. I 3. of wh1ch, fee Dike, Taylor. _ 4 Be nonenf rhofe, who invited to the ·Mar– riage of the Kings Sonne, Math. 2 2. either, firfl:, wilfully conternne, Ver~3. fecondly, or careldly dif-ef!eeme, Ver f. 5• .thirdly,or cruelly perfecute, Verf. 6. 5 RejeCt all tkofe Helli(h temptations,which doe mightily keepe off the dint and power of , - ' the /