Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

andperpetua/1 quide. the mort piercing VVord ; and being entert~ined, wiU caufe, the Word preach~d to be but as the breath of the Mintfler fcattered in the Ayre ·, and as Water fpilt upon the Ground, which cannot bee gathered up againe.' They are like thofe ftrong Holds of Sarhan , menti– oned 2 Cor. Io. 4, 5. which being fet up in any heart, will blunt tbe edge of t11is fpirituall wea 4 pon, that it will doe no good. They be thefe that follow. I In the firft place, and highefi: fir~ine of im– pietie, the depth of our corrupt nature defireth, That there were no God : The foole hath [aid in hit heart, there if no God, Pfal. I'4-. I. That is, bee labours for' a refolution, and perfwafion in his owne heart, That there is no Tribunall in Heaven, before which bee {hall hereafter be arraigned; no Treafurie of Plagues,and Woes ih Hell, with · which he {hall hereafter be everlafringiy fettered , and enchained. 2 But if it fo be, this fpirituall foole can– not fo abolif.h and extinguilb thofe fecret no– tiocys and apprehenfions of a facred and infinite I Deitie,which are naturally implanted irt.theboN– els of themoft defperate and damned mifcr,cant; but that the terrors of the lafi Iudgemenr, and · plagues o.f Hell, doe eftfoones vexe and bire his Confcience with rdl:leife remorfe and fiing– ings : VVhy then, "in a fecond place, that bee mayprocure fome eafe and quiet to his wallow– ing in fenfuall pleafu·res, bee labours might and maine to harden his for-head _ againfi: HeaW!n , to 1 · .