3 CJ:he Saints fore to make his heart like the nether.Milftonc, with his owne Soule.murthering hand to put a hot Iron to his ,Confcience y that fo, if bee cannot blunder and blot out of his minde thofe naturall impreffions of a God-head, yet at the lea.£1: hee may extinguiih and banifh out of his heart all feare of that God, of his Judgement-Seat, and . vengeance again.£1: finne : That fo bee may ru{h . likea wilde Horfe into the Battaile,furioully and dcfperately upon all villanies and vanities,with– ·Out all checke of Confcience, and controlement, from the terrors of the Iudgement to come. In this defperate and furious mood, he joynes him– felfewhh thefe Gya.nts ofBabel,Ifo.5. whoout~ ragioufly reare up Towers of Treafon and defi– ance againft Heaven, and throw mountaines of pr,ide and contempt one upon another, that rhey may climbeup to the Seat of God, and pull him out of his Throne, crying aloud towa~d.s Hea– ven; Let him make jpeed, let him ha.ffen hifwarke, that wee may fee it ; and let the counft/1of the holy One of J[rael draw neere, and came , that wee may lmdtv it. 3 If this will _not be, and that he finde no fitc– celfe in fetting himfelfe againft Heaven, (who ever oppoftd him[elfe againfl God, andproJPered?.) but that bee is crufhed and confounded with ) . the majefiie and terror thereof: Why then, in a third place, bee faftens the fangs of his mali– cious and wrangling wit, and the furie of his prophanc Atheifme, t.Jpon his trut; and holy Word : And that, · Firil,