Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

and perpetual/ (juide. Fir!l:, Either by entertaining or harbouring a reprobate and blafphemous conceit, that the fa– cred Word of God is but a politike invention, and device of State, to keepe men in order,and moderation; to maintaine Order and peaceable– nelfe in Cities and Societies ; and to preferve · the World, and mankinde, from wildndfc and Barbarifme. / Secondly , ·Or hy proportioning his carnall conceit ofGodspure and undefiled Law, to that which bee holds of the Decrees and Con(Htutions of men. . And if i.t be either fo, or fo, it is well enough; bee can, in the meane time, therewith '-fiill the cryes of his. CGnfcience, and fiop the' mouth of that Worme that never dies, that it gnawnot too eagerly, and fiercely; to the dif-fwectning of his carnall contentmcnts,and the making of his fenlilall pleafures more unpleafant. . , Now, would it not vexe a man, to lia~ the meat pll'lled out of his mouth, ·hrs ~bayn om his necke, his clothes from his back is limbes from his body, his right arme from his {boulder' his eyes out 9f his-head ? So it is with every unregenerate man, and fuch is his torture, when that twO.:edged Sword,theWord ofGod,ftrikes at his fweet finne, and fenfuall pleafures : And th~refore no marv~ll, though bee firive and firug..; gle, !hifc and fhicld himfelfe , by any meanes. Nay, the Lufi:s of the unregenerate man; are his v~i:y life. For.,as every godly man liveth a double b.fe; one of Gra,ce, by the fancrifying power of the See my dif· ~ courfe of true happindfe, j I