~he Saints fore the Spirit; another, of Nature ': So every wic– ked_man bath a double life .; one, of Nature. and another,of corruption t by the curfed infiu: ence of Hell. · Nay, the fcnfuall ddights of the finfull man are clearer unto him than his life. Hence it is, (as wee may obferve by experience) that fome– . times a covetous man loftng ~be Life of his life) See Burton of the vVedge of Gold, and Hoards of Wealth, ~;.1:i;~oly, makes an end of himfelfe. That the Wanton, becaufe hee is rejeCted, and difcarded from the objeCt of his luil:full pleafures, findes no plcafure _ in life; but cuts off himfelfe,by a violent and tm– timely death. -That Ahitophel being difgraced, and over-topt in a point of Policie, (the crowne· and pride of his worldly happioe!fe) put his houfehold in order, and hanged himfelfe. Nay, and ye,t further, the prophane man pre– ferres the fenfuall pleafures of his heart, before the l.offe of his imrnortall Soule·. For, how oft ma wee fe~ the honour of God, and everlafiing bleffedne , puf as it were jn the one Scale of the Ballance, and a little tranfitorie Pleafure in the other ? And in this cafe, the unfan&ified man fuffering one fweet finne or other to weigh downe the exceeding weight of heavenly bliffe, the unvaluable treafure of a good Confcience, the infinite glory ofGod, and the falvation ofhis ·- owne deare Soule, in that great Day. ' This groweth out of our corrupt nature : For wee have all, even in rhe beft of U$ 1 the fo~nce and feeds of all finne. If the Lord fhould leave and abandon