Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

r - z.~S 'The Saints fore . cing Gods Iudgemerit againi Iudah and Ifrael, werebroughtuntotheKing, Ier.36. z3. lehudi had not readpaft three or foure .fides before him, hut · the Xing jfamped and raged, bee preftnJfJ tooke the Rrmfe, MSd cut it with a Pen-knife, and cafl it into the jire that wa; on the Hearth, until/ all the Roule w.u . confumed in thefire, that wa; on the HeArth. In the ' . 38. of Ieremie, when the Princes and Courtiers were nettl~dand ftungwith the downe-right dealing and holy feveritie of leremiu Preaching; they prefently ranne unto the King, and traduced the bleifed Prophet, to be a tranfgreffor of Policie, and an enemie to the State. Therefore the ~ P_rinces [aid unto theKing : Wee heftech you, let thil . .. m~Zn he put to det!Zth ; for thus he weakeneth the hAnds · of the •en ofWarre thAt remaine in tbil Citie, and the hands of all the people, inJPeaking fuch words unto them : For thu m4n fteketh not the wealth of thil ' people, 6ut the hurt. And tlrere you fee what was the itfue. 1 , - Thus.Prophanenetfe and Policie doth ever in~ terprete the Dochin~of Life, and powerfull apI plication of the Word , to be the Source and Seeds of Faltion and Sedition ; to be incompatiblewith rhe civiU State, and the very cutthroat ofKingdomes and States imperiall. Paul, · as we~may fee in thf;! 24. of the ABs, for his upright dealing, W<.ls nick-named a Seditioner,and a troublerofthe State. Certainely (faith TertuUUJ) wee have found thi! man a peHilentfe!low, sn-d 1t mover of Seditiin amowg ttfl the !ewes throughout the World, · a.nd a chie[e maintainerofthesea DftheN~tzarite~. Thus