Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

and perpetual! q~__;i~_c_ ·~-·-__ Thus theWord of Life, and newes of falvation from Heaven,is many riines charged with Novel– tie, Sedition, and Herelie. But thatwhichby the · conftmClion of camall conceits, maybe rearmed Here fie, Factious, and Precife, is the-very right way to Heaven. I confef]'e (faith Paut) that after the rray (~rhich they eaUHcrejie) fo worfhip I the G{)d ofmyFatherJ, &c. So may many good· Chri!li– ans, and godly Minifrers, fay·in thcfe Times to the men of this World ; After the way, which you call Precifendfe; Singularitie, and Faction, doewee truly ferve ~h€ living-Q';.od, and f~vc Ollr foules. · SecondIy; O'r if the authoritie .. and' power of his Preaching doth fo . afl:onifh and confound him, that hee bath no heart to meddle.that wa·9, or oppofe againft it; ye_t at leaft, rather than not be malicious, he~ willdifcharge his furieagainft his perfqa. , Hence .it is, that a faithfull andcon!Cionable .Minifier commonly, wherefoeverbee lives, is an eminent marke whereat Prophaneneffe and Po- . ficic, Malice·and Crueltie, Hell and the World, difcharge the utmo£1: of their rage and. poyfoo. Hec above all others, is fure to .be wrongfuUy ·loaden with flanders, difgraccs, lying imputati– ons ·) and ail manner of foule indignities·; and many times by the bafer fort; which is more in– tolerable. If hee be but halfe fo honefHy care– fulJ, in pmviding for his family, as the carnall worldling is curfedly carking, hee is covetous : If powerfull in-his Preaching, hee isimperi.ous :.. , If -------