Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

'The Saints fore If hee oppofe again£1: the 14nnes of the Time,hee is fa6t:i0us : lf hee be faithfull inhis Minifrerie, hee is tooprecife,and plaine: If~eecomes home _ro rnens Confciences, hee is toGparticular, and undifcreet. In .a word, if hee were Paul, hee iliould be a peftilent fe!low; if CH a 1sT I Bs vs, bleifed forever (a horrible thing!) bee ilioulcl beBelzebub: For fo that glorious Lord,and blef– fed Servant, was nick-named an9, branded by the prophaneWorld. . ·Hence it is, that the generation of the pro– pbane and wicked Crue doe ever furioufly band themfelves together, to tr~nfplant: and rGot out a confcionabJe Minifter,whenfoever God brings him amongfr them. Like an unquiet and ra– ging Sea-, they continually foame out fpight– full fpeeches, filthie and iliamefull Ganders, ~nd lay things unto his charge, bee never knew : That fo , .by .difcouraging him in his Minifl:erie, weakening his hands, and breaking his bearc, they may any wayes be rid of him : Or elfe, by pickiflg unnece!farie ~1arrels againft him, they labour by Authoritie, and fl:rong hand, to thtow him out,()f his-place. For their malice agairiil: a powerfull Minifier) is endleffe ) and implacable. . It is everthe propertie ofun.ingenuous pro– phaneneffe , to ·hate and ·feare a faith full .and confcionable Preacher as ill as the Plague, and fo to efieeme of him. This appeares, ~y Ter– tu!lw. cenfure of Paul; certairtely (faith bee) wee have_found thif man a peftilent feUo": When indeed