Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

·t: . _an~perpetuall<juide. I' 7.41 deed bimfelf'e -was apernidoqs Orator, and abu- ·~111'&"m ?'-rf.r ·fed his curled ·Eloquence, 'to the confufion of ~~~-rou•m'MIGoodneffe. In the Originall,~h<!: word fignifies, tMr. thePLague. l"he Plague, that great affrighter,and· terror of the fonne's of men, is not halte fo terrible and vexiag, as is that man to acarnall heart, which preaches rtJith ptwer <ttnd aathoritie, a11d not at ·the Scrihes and formall Do&ors; and no marveil. The Plague threatens but onely the feares and pangs of a temporall death, and takes but away the naturall Life; but the powerfull Word, from the momh ofa confcionable MinHl:er,doth !hike to the very heart of a carnall man, the terrors of Hell-fire and everla£Hng Vengeance,and doth labourtobereave him of his Life of Corruption, and PJeafures; which, as I told you before, is more fweet and unto him, than his · Life'of Nature. , And hereupon it is, that as you (ee Townes and Cities bulily bell:irre themfelves, watch and ward, diligentlyenquire,and examine paffengers, tokeepe out the Plague; fo it is the policieand practice of thofe places,where Drunkaras,Swag- · gerers,Worldlings, and propbane men fwarme, · joyntly ,to confpire and band together, for the banilbing of godly Minifters, .and ariving them out of their Coafr. CH R 1 sl' I E s vs himfelfe, f11ho fPake .u never any man Jtake, was fo ufedby the Swinifh Gadarens ~ as you may reade in the fifth j of Luke. Paul and Barnabas, tqat glorious paire , of worthy Pa!l:ors, were fo ufed by the rebelli1 ous and fiiffe-necked Iewes, A Et. 13. whereupon . (r) , they \ ' '