Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

t~nd perpetual/ quide. is fo baioous as bee makes it ; bee fhall never drive him from the :F-ailiions of the Times, and Cufromes of his Fore-fathers; bee lkall never bring him out ofconceit with good-fellowllii_p. So, that as th~ deafe Adder ftoppeth his eares a- ~ gainfl: theEncbanter~cbarme bee never fowi~ly; fo {huts bee the eares of his heart againft the Wordof Life: and thougn it founds dayly lowd ancl. ftrongly,in his eates, yet will hebyno m~anes fuffer it to finke feelingly and powerfully into his foule., Thofe men whjch reft upon this fl:ep . :of impietie, and in this degree of prophanene£fe, t~ough. they heare Sermon upon Sermon, yet are they U:ill the fame men: Tlley are Lyers flill, ·they are Drunkards frill, they are Vfuren fl:ill, they_are Swearers.fl:ill, they are luke-warm~ Pro– i fe[or~ '{\ill , &c. they are ·ftiU as they were. l Though thefe finnes.haveagaine anda~aine been I cryed againft,and many times reproved, and their . ~onfcienccs convineed; yet the Word which is JJ>tecwh,ed amongft them , bath no more power, nor wrought more alteration upon them, than ·· upon the Seats where they fit : Though the giO- ~ious Light of the Gofpel fhine faire and bright ,upon them) yet they Iye fl:ill hard frozen in their dr~gs, and ftarke blinde in matters of Heaven : Though the Hammer of the V\Tord beat often upon thdr hearts, yet it cloth not breake and br~ife them ) but more and mo're harden and emmarble them, ,like an A!nvill and Adam~nt: Though they be wafh.ed with many- plentifull Showers from Heaven, yet they frill cot1tinue ( r 2 ) . blaeke