~ne/perpetffl·dllquide. the Word in another place, as I have told you largely before. So wretchedlyand ,unhapp~lY. is "' bee wedded to the ftn~Il pleafures of~ tbrs~vame World, that heewill wreit hiswit, the Word of God,or any thing, to wreft out of his heart thofe piercing Arrowes of the Word ofTruth,thot by the hanCl of a skilfull Archer; which ifhewould fuffer to -fearch and·ftnkc, would fetth OUt the poyfon of his nat:urall corruption 1 mortifie his · luft, and fave his foule. · . . Secondly , Or..if ~ee have notwi~ aqd ' under:.. · ftanding to .furnid-1 himfelfe ·~tlywith · prob~ble Interpretations, formall DHHncHons, and plau– fible Exceptions, (for this abilitie onely befalls propharie men ofbetter parts, and more un'der– ftanding:) Why then , being refolvd:l not to : fubmit to the power of the Word , nor to for– fake his carnall contentments , bee takes this courfe; bee f~tfets fo immode~at~Iy,andd,rinkes fo deepe of fenfuall pleafures. of that bofomeI ftnne to which hee is fo muc]l wedded, that bee : cafis his Confcience alieepe, drownes ·his heart in earthly delights, and fo goes ori at ~au adyen– tures;and throwes himfelfe upon Gods mercies, without all ground or warrant,with fuch conceits ·as thefe: That hee hopes hee fuall doe as well as others,'whoare farrewor(eand tporewicked than 1 himfctlfe: That God;h6doubt, will be.mercifull , to: one fim1e : .That ~II ,h~~- ?~her ~ood parts and good deedes wtll countetvatle and make amends for one infirmitie, (for fo fueewill call it,and con- ' ceive of it, though it be a greffe and grievous . ( r 3) . finne: )